Fear of Surrender
The Rolicking City Police (RCP) series represents the ultimate satire on modern day policing. If you’d prefer a dull read, please do buy another book! The book setting is once again Rolicking City, Manitoba, Canada. Staff Sergeant Earl Jeans has just met his worst fear. He is tossed right in the middle of a political inquiry from last year’s RCP shooting.
The trapper’s death has spun out much more intrigue than idle speculation. Sometimes, the gangsters won’t let the police close the final chapter. As expected, the RCP are faced with drugs, hoods, murders, deception and vengeance along with the “hinted suggestion” of a lingering past presence. And, that of course, is only within the confines of the police department!
Blended and quite likely stirred in the criminal mix, is an injected element of cyber-crime which ever so subtly massages the connecting dots. Please don't forget to chuckle! Fear of Surrender tries that much harder to crack that "just wet my pants" funny bone. If you're not blowing single malt out your nose—the effort has miserably failed.